Caque Pops is an accessory line which strives to provide unique and current accessories for girls and women who love to dress up.

Caque Pops was created by London & Ry-Ry two lifelong friends who enjoy anything that has to do with fashion and making a lady feel good. 

The name Caque Pops originated from our love of sweets. Like a cake pop, cupcake or other dessert, accessories can bring happiness and sweetness to our lives by making us feel pretty and special. 

Our design inspiration came from a dear loved one who believed that everything pink & girly made life complete. She was a warm individual who touched every life she interacted with.

The butterfly in our logo represent her warm spirit and love for butterflies. It is said that butterflies reminds us to accept change when the opportunity arises. While it is inevitable for us to undergo change and transformation, we can still make the most of it. Butterflies also represent freedom, fun and happy times. 

We hope our line always provides girls and women with the ability to feel beautiful and free even through struggle. After all, even on your bad days, life should still be sweet!

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1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

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